Rio Timberlane

“ If we can give away our power, we have the ability to take that power back.” I was born in the Hollywood area of LA county and they lost my birth certificate! When I went looking for it a few years back, I found it in an obscure, hidden place in a government building’s […]

Hayley Xenophontos

Trigger warning: Sexual Abuse  “A hairdresser is a position of trust” My name is Hayley and I live in the Stockport area. I run a hair and wellbeing centre, where I specialise in hair loss solutions for women. I’m also an advocate for mental health. I do workshops including mindfulness, confidence and meditation. I was […]

Steph Marie

Trigger warning: Child Abuse and Bullying “Learning that my disability doesn’t define me” My name is Steph Marie, I am from Bury and I am a social influencer, chat show host and a historian and I also have cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy means that the part of the brain that sends signals is damaged. It […]

Heather Glover

People might say: ‘A Nurse! Starting a business? It’s like wanting to be a pilot!’ My name is Heather Glover, and I have worked as a nurse for most of my life. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my life transformed and I became a lingerie model and business owner at age 50.  My […]

Siobhan Daniels

Trigger warning: mention of child abuse “I feel like I’m on the edge of the cliff and I’m ready to jump and I’m excited, I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m there, it’s too late for me to crawl back.” I’m Siobhan Daniels, I’m 63 years of age. I worked for the BBC […]

Paul Betney

‘Life is about living your best life.’ My name is Paul Betney. After growing up in a difficult environment, I moved to Tokyo to try and escape my problems, but I’m currently working as a self-employed therapist back in Liverpool. Throughout my life, I’ve realised there’s no point in running from your problems. I grew […]

Monique Casey

Trigger Warning: Domestic violence, attempted suicide and bullying ‘Friendship, to me, is having that trust with somebody.’ My name is Monique Casey, and I work for Tales to Inspire. Throughout my life, I’ve struggled with family issues and mental health, but now I focus on pursuing happiness, and I’ve learnt that a work environment can […]

Keji Moses

‘We must show compassion’ Trigger Warning: Domestic violence, Infant loss My name is Keji Moses. I’m a mother and founder of the charity Mayah’s Legacy, shining a light on the mental health impact of pregnancy loss. We intend to show people that their voice matters. I’m originally from Nigeria but have lived in the UK […]

Michelle Jones

“I transitioned from somebody who lived a life of chronic illness, to somebody that lives a life with chronic illness” My name is Michelle Jones. I am owner of a wedding consultancy but, most importantly, I have a startup business called Kindness Currency. I’m from a working class family in the northeast of England. I […]

Lisa Askem

“Sometimes you just have to go with not being normal” My name is Lisa Askem. I’m a yoga teacher, who passionately believes in the importance of enjoying yourself. I was born in Leeds to a very chaotic family. We were known as the party family. My mother particularly was very wild. She had me young, […]

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