Isaac Kenyon

“The definition of inspiration is to help someone who may not believe in themselves, to then believe in themselves.” My name is Isaac Kenyon. I am a geologist, a trustee for the charity ‘Mind’ and have spent many years committed to raising awareness of different climate projects, through the mode of adventure.  I was raised […]

Will Fraser

“In life we should always try and give more than we take” My name is Will Fraser, I’m an ex-professional rugby player and head of my own business: 100 & First, focussing on drawing inspiration from the stories of others. I was born in Hertfordshire, I am from a large family and am one of […]

Lorraine Lewis

“Stop being so judgmental of other people and let them do what they need to do” My name is Lorraine Lewis, and I am the co-founder of the Lewis Foundation. While I believe that the foundation has given me purpose and takes up much of my time, I am also a lawyer for the Crown […]

Luke Tyburski

“The one time when I believe I have been the most mentally tough is when I talked myself off the bridge”  Early Dreams and Challenges I am from a small country town that was obsessed with sports. I am also from a large and loving family that made my childhood pretty perfect. My parents instilled […]

Demetrius Frazier

  The Foundation of Resilience A single parent home and very humble beginnings is where I started. We didn’t have money and yes it was a real struggle. My dad was a rolling stone, he had a lot of outside kids. It was my mom, my sister and myself, the three of us. My mom […]

Nicola Sansom

From Shy Beginnings to a Life-Altering Journey  The baby of the family, painfully shy and partially deaf. That was me, growing up in Derbyshire, and later Buckinghamshire with my loving parents and older sister. A long way away from the African streets where I focus so much of my time nowadays. I left high school […]

Owiny Hakiim

  A Childhood in a War Zone In Agago District (Northern Uganda) in 1986 I was born, the only child of my mother and one of fifteen to my polygamy father. Despite my disagreements with my father’s approach to women, he was a good man who worked for the local government and as my elder, […]

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