Emma Hine

“ If you’re happy doing something you love, you’re going to grow a successful business around that ” I am Emma Hine and I am a business strategist. I work with people to grow their business on their own terms. I live in the Staffordshire moorlands and I’m a mum of three and just living […]

Sandeep Saib

Trigger Warning: Suicide ‘to move forward you have to go backwards’ I am Sandeep Saib and I am a living experience mental health advocate. I really emphasise the ‘living’ in that title because I am still going through my own mental health journey. I am a philanthropist, public speaker and professional marketeer too and I […]

Stefania Catarinella

“Learning expands my life.” My name is Stefania Catarinella. I have been living in Leamington Spa for the past 3 and a half years and I’m originally from Puglia in the South of Italy. I lived in Puglia until I was 18 when I finished school. Then I left to follow my dream. I started […]

Matthew Smith

Trigger Warning: Suicide ‘There is life after suicide’ My name is Matthew Smith and I am from Durham. I am 28 now, and have lived in the same village all my life. It’s the kind of village where everybody knows each other. I look back at my childhood with fond memories, I was the middle […]

Kerry Boland

Trigger Warning: Domestic Abuse & Rape “What was once a void is now a value” I’m Kerry Boland. I am from Stockport in Manchester. I work with female entrepreneurs on their sales strategies and I’m a mother of three. I grew up in Reddish as the eldest of 4 children. My dad always drilled into […]

Jeremy Indika

Trigger Warning: Child Abuse ‘Finding happiness in facing up to new challenges’ My name is Jeremy Indika and I am the founder of ‘Something to Say’, my life’s mission is to break the uncomfortable silence that surrounds child abuse. I was a normal child; I did well in school, I played lots of sports and […]

Rio Timberlane

“ If we can give away our power, we have the ability to take that power back.” I was born in the Hollywood area of LA county and they lost my birth certificate! When I went looking for it a few years back, I found it in an obscure, hidden place in a government building’s […]

Hayley Xenophontos

Trigger warning: Sexual Abuse  “A hairdresser is a position of trust” My name is Hayley and I live in the Stockport area. I run a hair and wellbeing centre, where I specialise in hair loss solutions for women. I’m also an advocate for mental health. I do workshops including mindfulness, confidence and meditation. I was […]

Steph Marie

Trigger warning: Child Abuse and Bullying “Learning that my disability doesn’t define me” My name is Steph Marie, I am from Bury and I am a social influencer, chat show host and a historian and I also have cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy means that the part of the brain that sends signals is damaged. It […]

Jocelyn Jones

Life is your work of art My name is Jocelyn Jones I’m from New York originally, but I now live in Santa Monica, California. I am an acting teacher, a filmmaker, a writer and a creative consultant.   I grew up in a little community on the Hudson river called Snedens landing. I had one brother, […]

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