Yatin Mistry

‘when you let your light shine you give others permission to do the same’ My name is Yatin Mistry, I’m a proud, gay, British Indian, but it hasn’t always been this way… I grew up in the 1980’s in  Essex and went to a school where everything was whitewashed and racism was merely accepted. I […]

Raji Sundar

‘Feeling good and making friends for life’ My name is Raji Sundar, I was born in Mumbai, India. Growing up my dad changed jobs a lot, I became used to different cultures and could speak 4 different languages by the age of 4. As a child I was quiet and reflective, my sister was the […]

Siobhan Daniels

Trigger warning: mention of child abuse “I feel like I’m on the edge of the cliff and I’m ready to jump and I’m excited, I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m there, it’s too late for me to crawl back.” I’m Siobhan Daniels, I’m 63 years of age. I worked for the BBC […]

Isaac Winton-Hayes

“What matters the most is what I do at a human level” My name is Isaac Winton-Hayes. I am a 17-year-old young professional, dedicated to demonstrating the potential of young people and the importance of humanity. I was born in Manchester and have lived here for almost my entire life. I had a fairly normal […]

Rachel White

“Reading a book is a way to travel without travelling” My name is Rachel White. I am a mental health and climate activist, with a background in helping young people, and have spent the last few years seeking adventure through drawing strength from the natural world. I grew up in Essex, in a small village, […]

Catherine Edsell

Being a Mother for the first time was one of the hardest experiences I had to go through. I felt trapped, alone and lost for the first time in my life. However, even after the years of difficulties I was able to turn things around and I hope my story can be one that inspires […]

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