Amit Ghose

“For me, what it means to adapt is to be you, to be yourself, but to shine, let your personality shine so people can see beyond the looks” I’m Amit Ghose, and adapting to circumstances has been something I have had to do my entire life but now I am using my lived experience to […]

Kate Appleby

Trigger Warning: This story discusses experiences of mental health struggles, mention of suicide, sexual abuse and chronic illness. “I believed I was a burden to those around me, and that by removing myself from the equation, I was being considerate. I wasn’t thinking about the impact it would have on others; I just wanted the […]

Steve Hill

“When you stop using the word can’t and start using the word can, you’ll soon realise that the person you thought you were is no match for the one that you really are.” I’m Steve, Oldham born and bred, I have been teaching children for 28 years and I still believe it is the greatest […]

Adam Bastock

Hello, I’m Adam, and sustainability has become a core part of my life and work. I believe sustainability is crucial, especially in my work with small businesses. It’s not just about being ethical or environmentally friendly; it’s also about ensuring financial stability. My goal is to help businesses not only survive but thrive for the […]

Hannah Cox – Episode 2

“Join us to help fix the broken system” You can listen or read Hannah’s first episode with us on Tales to Inspire here. I’m Hannah Cox with the Better Business Network and I am honoured to say it is my second time on Tales to Inspire. In this episode. My childhood always saw me conscious […]

Bea Thackeray

“ It is Estimated 100 million crackers are pulled in one festive season in the UK!” I am Bea Thackeray, founder of Keep this Cracker. All my life I have loved art. From being the child who hid herself away in her room for hours building a house out of cardboard for my dolls, to […]

Pete Barty

We are human beings, not human doings” My name is Pete Barty, or Peter if I am in trouble, originally from Kent. I am a husband, father, civil engineer, fundraiser, explorer and, now, a therapist.  As a young man, I wouldn’t have described myself as academic, I barely scraped my A-Levels but was able to […]

Vicki Roberts

“Anorexia is like the devil on your shoulder you do not know when it is going to come back up” Trigger Warning: Anorexia and Suicide My name is Vicki Roberts I was originally from Milton Keynes and then moved up to Manchester at 18. At the moment, I’m running A Balanced Collective, an operations strategy […]

Pete Sincock

Trigger Warning: Child Abuse and Suicide  “People need to understand that there are two very different things, a cry for attention and a cry for help” I’m Pete Sincock and my journey through life has been rocked with trials and tribulations, but resilience and the power of human connection have helped transform my life.  I […]

Alex Winstanley

“True education goes beyond imparting knowledge; it should empower individuals to pursue their passions. Over the past decade, I’ve witnessed the systemic marginalisation of disabled individuals, a community often denied opportunities and recognition. This injustice has been a driving force behind my current position. Marginalised communities encompass a broad spectrum, including those with disabilities and […]

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