Supporting Marginalised Communities by Celebrating Differences

Our commitment to supporting marginalised communities  Here at Tales to Inspire we believe it is important for us to do our bit to raise awareness of marginalised communities and celebrate our differences. So, we sought out to interview some brand new ambassadors who shared with us their incredible life stories. They showcased some amazing people […]

Marginalisation caused by the Palestine and Israel conflict

The horrific conflict between Palestine and Israel has caused a devastating loss of human life. The repercussions of the conflict have been experienced worldwide, one of which has been a rise of both islamophobia and antisemitism. These prejudices have had a tragic and long legacy in the Western world and current global affairs have seen […]

Manchester’s Queer History 

LGBTQ+ History Month Last February was lgbtq+ history month. For so long LGBT+ people’s history remained hidden, but following the repeal of Section 28 in 2003, UK LGBT+ History Month was created to reclaim its past, celebrate its present and create its future. Our Commitment to LQBTQ+ History month Most people attribute Manchester’s queer scene […]

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